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Are these products from the manufacturer?

Majority yes. E-Bike Parts Canada works directly with manufacturers such as GoTrax, Beachman, Taubik, etc. to fulfill orders of the highest standard. At the same time, we try to offer a range of items to fit everyone's budget, each product will show if it is a manufacturer item or third party item. If you are unsure which item is best for you, send us a message!

Can I get warranty?

Manufacturer items are covered under each brands warranty policy. They can be viewed on their respective websites. Please contact the manufacturer directly with your invoice/receipt to claim warranty on the defective part.

How do I track my shipment?

After checkout, you will receive an email with an order confirmation. Please allow 2 business days for an order to be authorized. Post confirmation you will receive updated shipping information when the item is prepared.

Chat Support for Tracking If you are unable to find your shipping information or have any questions about your order, our customer support team is here to assist you. Simply use our chatbox feature on our website, and one of our representatives will help you track your shipment and address any concerns.